Sunday, July 19, 2015


Sometimes you just need a break to live and do life with the humans you have close to you. A little less typing, a little more doing. Regardless, you'd think I'd have something to update you on that I found adequate enough to spend my time writing about. I'm not so sure I really do.

The last few months have been filled with 8:30-5 Monday-Friday coffee-filled fogs, Amazon Prime and Spotify subscriptions, more than a fair share of trips to movie resell stores and less binging marathons on Netflix, endless card games, lots of #TacoTaylorTuesdays, birthday celebrations, buying books I don't know will ever get read because this is me we are talking about, figuring out and then complicating things, and just doing all the things I can try and do.

Jesus and I have had our ups and downs, as well as my self-esteem, friendships, and joy. I've realized that saying that everything is okay and actually believing that everything is okay are two completely different things.  I've also realized that playing the role of the "fun friend just here to lift everyone up and make embarrassing jokes" isn't who I always want to or hope to be. As you can see, the quarter-life crisis is in full swing and it makes me yearn to isolate myself until I figure something out, or until everyone hates me and I don't have to keep hurting them.

But, I realize that's selfish and I cannot do that. I have fought to have the people in my life that I am fortunate to have and it would be absolutely idiotic to let them fall to they wayside. Giving up is so much easier than fighting. That's what I intend to do - fight. Fight for what my heart knows is right and live it out. 

Here's to season 2 of "Taylor in Her Twenties". May it be fruitful.

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