Saturday, March 14, 2015


Things I've learned this week:

・Even an apology can come from a selfish place. That doesn't mean you hold onto how you feel forever, but that also doesn't mean you can accept it any time soon.
・Remembering your worth isn't always easy. Sometimes you have to take more than one step back, revaluate, and remember that you deserve the kind of love and advice you give to others for yourself. There's nothing harder than listening to this advice, but after a few days you'll start to feel better.
・Those people that let you lay on their couch and cry and cuddle with them are good people. Bonus points for them getting a bag of chocolate and chips and making you laugh until you begin crying again.
・Being best friends with a boy is no simple feat. Especially one that's ridiculously good looking, kind, fun, generous, and loves the Lord. But. Oh, but. That doesn't mean you can let him in every door you have. Guard your heart… and quite possibly his.
・Being an active Christian is so much harder than being a lukewarm one. Life a year ago was easy peasy not having to worry about anyone but my friends' and mine opinion ruling my life and how I lived it. In hindsight you realize that's so ignorant. And you also realize that the smallest things, like talking crap about someone that did you wrong, makes you feel overwhelming guilt. It's not fair. Jesus, I need you to get these trials outta here!
・God will close all the doors making you feel like you're suffocating. He will tell you "NO." He will make you want to lay in the fetal and cry. But He's still there. He's cooking up things like insanely amazing freelancing opportunities and a broadened appreciation for the people you have in your life. You just have to wait. Be still. Live every moment knowing that God will have something better for you. Press into Him. Know that just because something wasn't meant for you doesn't mean that there isn't something else better.

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